MSL Study Results Summaries
Client: Survey Sciences Group (now SoundRocket)
Survey Sciences Group performed a series of student leadership surveys for a large group of U.S. colleges and universities. Each client received a full report of their students’ responses, and comparisons with national responses.
The results data was presented in tabular form, with complex formatting and graphics to indicate strength of effects, statistical significance and the like, in addition to the raw numbers.
I worked with the Survey Science team to design a clear and understandable template for all 31 flavors of data they needed to present. This InDesign file was used to create a model XML structure that programmer Ryan Sexton and the Survey Sciences team used for the hard part—building a system to convert the survey data from its native format to an XML structure that could pump out formatted InDesign files.
In addition to the data, the final template file included example and explanation sections, and internal hyperlinks for quick navigation within the final PDF report.